Autor/autori: Nicolae-Daniel IRIMIA, Alecsandru SIMION, Leonard LIVADARU, Sorin VLASCEANU, Ovidiu DABIJA, Ana-Maria MIHAI

Rezumat: Controlul masinilor cu reluctanta variabila a cunoscut un interes din ce in ce mai crescut in ultima perioada, ca urmare a avantajelor si a diferitelor posibilitati de utilizare pe care le ofera aceste categorii de masini electrice. In lucrarea de fata este tratata problema alegerii unor configuratii optime de comanda ale unui motor cu reluctanta variabila cu 3 faze (6 poli statorici, 4 poli rotorici), utilizand diversi algoritmi de control. Structura schemei de comanda si control cuprinde un regulator de curent, pentru reglarea curentului de faza statoric intre anumite limite prescrise, alte tehnici de comanda utilizate fiind: Soft Switching si respectiv Hard Switching. Reglarea curentului pe fiecare faza s-a realizat prin intermediul unui circuit bloc cu histerezis, permitand o variate a curentului cu maxim 2 A fata de valoarea prestabilita. Pentru micsorarea timpului de descarcare a energiei acumulate in campul magnetic corespunzator fiecarei infasurari de faza statorice, din momentul deconectarii acesteia de la sursa de alimentare, s-a utilizat cate o rezistenta de valoare prestabilita, conectata in serie cu fiecare faza (din momentul deconectarii fazei de la retea).

Cuvinte cheie: comanda, control SRM, IGBT, PWM

Abstract: Switched reluctance motor control had known an increasing interest lately, due to various advantages and different possibilities of uses that these types of electric machines offers. This paper treats the problem of choosing the optimal control configuration of a switched reluctance motor with 3 phases (6-poles stator, 4-poles rotor), using various control algorithms. The command and control scheme structure includes a current regulator, for mantaining the stator current phase within certain prescribed limits and the other control techniques used are: Soft Switching and Hard Switching. Adjusting of the current on each phase was done through a block circuit with hysteresis control, allowing a variation of current with a maximum of 2 A within the setpoint. To decrease the time of dissipating the accumulated energy in the magnetic field corresponding to each stator winding phase, from the moment of disconnection from the power supply, it has been used an electrical resistor with a predetermined value,connected in series with each phase (begining with the moment of disconnecting the phase from the power supply).

Keywords: command, control SRM, IGBT, PWM