Autor/autori: Bogdana FLOREAN, Georgiana VIZITEU, Andrei NIAGU

Rezumat: In acest articol sunt prezentate generalitatile si metodele de sinteza a nanotuburilor de carbon. Cele trei metode de sintetizare analizate sunt: descarcarea in arc electric, vaporizarea laser si depunerea chimica in stare de vapori. Nanotuburile de carbon (CNT ) au multe proprietati fizice, mecanice si electronice. Aceste proprietati pot fi exploatate astfel incat sa fie utilizate pentru numeroase aplicatii de la senzori si acuatori pana la compozite.

Cuvinte cheie: metoda descarcarii in arc electric, metode de sinteza, metoda vaporizarii laser, nanotuburi de carbon,

Abstract: In this article are presented the generalities and synthesis methods of carbon nanotubes. The three main synthesis methods discussed in this review are: the electrical arc discharge, the laser ablation and the chemical vapour deposition (CVD). Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have many unique physical, mechanical and electronic properties. These properties may be exploited such that they can be used for numerous applications ranging from sensors and actuators to composites.

Keywords: electrical arc discharge method, synthesis methods, laser ablation method, chemical vapor deposition method, carbon nanotubes,