Autor/autori: Alexandru MIRON, Sebastian MIRON (Franta), Crenguta E. BOBRIC, Lambert PIERRAT, Maria VIZITEU (Franta), Cezar POPA

Rezumat: In conducerea si supravegherea retelelor de transport si distributie a energiei electrice sunt utilizate sisteme inteligente de monitorizare, care ofera utilizatorului suficiente informatii si facilitati de comanda, pentru a exploata reteaua electrica din subordine in conditii de siguranta, securitate si economicitate. Aceste sisteme, denumite sisteme de supraveghere, comanda si achiziii de date – SCADA – utilizand date din RTU, relee de protectie, traductoare ofera operatorilor de dispecer – principalii beneficiari ai acestor sisteme - posibilitatea de a supraveghea, de a exercita si de a i se confirma executarea comenzilor asupra unor echipamente dintr-o statie (centrala) electrica. Aceste informatii oferite de SCADA sunt vitale pentru functionarea continua a sistemului energetic si in cazul unor contingente in sistem. Cu toate acestea, mecanismul folosit pentru a prelua date de la acest sistem este relativ lent si asincron. Datorita preluarii asincrone a datelor, sistemul nu ofera informatii corecte privind diferentade unghi de la doua noduri din retea. In plus, viteza de preluare a datelor fiind prea lenta pot aparea probleme privind preluarea perturbatiilor de scurta durata din retea. Alternativ, sistemele de masurare sincrona ale fazorilor asociate notiunii de Smart Grid pot fi folosite pentru a oferi informatii de mare viteza, coerente si in timp real ale sistemului electric, care nu este disponibil in sistemul SCADA [1]. Scopul lucrarii este de a arata superioritatea sistemului de masurare sincrona a fazorilor asupra masuratorilor SCADA in sistemul energetic, in contextul actual al provocarilor economice si de mediu.

Cuvinte cheie: SCADA, sistem de masurare sincrona a fazorilor, sincrofazor, unghi de faza, unitate de masura a fazorilor (PMU)

Abstract: In control and monitoring of transmission and distribution networks are used intelligent monitoring systems, which offer to users sufficient control information, in order to exploit in security, reliability and economicity conditions the power system. These systems called supervisory, control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems - using data from remote terminal units (RTUs), protective relays, and transducers offer dispatch operators – the main beneficiaries of these systems – the ability to supervise, to exercise and to confirm execution of orders on equipments from a substation or power plant. These information offered of SCADA are vital for the operation of the power system on a daily basis and under system contingencies. However, the mechanism used to retrieve data from this system is asynchronous and relatively slow. The asynchronous nature of the data does not provide accurate angle difference information from two nodes on the network. Additionally, the low data rate may be too slow to capture many short-duration disturbances on the grid. Alternatively, synchronized phasor measurement systems, associated to SMART GRID notion can be used to provide high-speed and coherent real-time information of the power system that is not available from legacy supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems [1]. The purpose of the paper is to show the superiority of measurement synchrophasors over SCADA measurements in power system in the current context of environmental and economical challenges

Keywords: phase angle, Phasor measurement unit (PMU), SCADA, sznchrophasor, sznchrinized phasor measurement system