Autor/autori: Ion POPA

Rezumat: In aceasta lucrare am realizat un studiu al codurilor de imprastiere pe baza caruia am conceput mai multe programe cu ajutorul carora pot genera secvente de cod de tip M, Gold si Gold ortogonal pentru care se poate calcula autocorelatia si corelatia incrucisata Pe baza acestor informatii,cei interesati isi pot genera si selecta propriile secvente de cod cu ajutorul carora pot realiza studii de performanta prin simulare pe calculator atunci cand au de proiectat diverse sisteme de comunicatii mobile care folosesc tehnologia de acces multiplu cu divizare in cod (CDMA).

Cuvinte cheie: autocorelatie ,corelatie incrucisata, secvente de cod

Abstract: In this paper we conducted a study of spreading codes based on which we have developed several programs with which code can generate the type M sequences, Gold and Gold, which is orthogonal to calculate autocorrelation and cross correlation. Based on this information, those interested in and choose their own way can generate code sequences with which they can achieve performance studies by computer simulation to design when different systems of mobile technology use in code division multiple access (CDMA).

Keywords: autocorrelation, cross correlation, code sequences