UV/VIS spectrophotometry applied to determinate phosphorus in almond milk

Autor/autori: Dan Alina Florentina, Tifrea Anca Maria, Tita Ovidiu

Rezumat: Spectometria UV/VIS a fost utilizata pentru a determina continutul de fosfor in laptele de migdale. Probele de lapte de migdale au fost supuse la calcinare, in scopul indepartarii materialului organic. Fosfatii au reactionat cu molibdatul rezultand un complex: [(MoO2 * 4MoO3) 2 * HPO4], care a fost redus cu un agent de reducere, cum ar fi acidul ascorbic, la albastru molibden. Doua tipuri de probe de lapte de migdale (lapte de migdale normal si lapte de migdale cu Omega 3), prelevate de la Universitatea Insulele Baleare, Spania, Palma de Mallorca, au fost analizate. Continutul de fosfor din probele de lapte de migdale a fost de aproximativ 11,069-11,97mg/100, iar din laptele de migdale cu Omega 3 a fost 13,029-13,673 mg/100g

Cuvinte cheie: lapte de migdale, fosfor, spectrofotometrie

Abstract: UV/VIS spectrofotometry was used to determine phosphorus contents in almond milk .The samples of almond milk were subjected to calcination in order to remove organic material. The phosphates were reacting with molybdate resulting a complex: [(MoO2*4MoO3)2*HPO4], which was reduced with a reducing agent, like ascorbic acid at molybdenum blue. Two types of almond milk samples ( normally almond milk and almond milk with omega 3),provided from University of Balearic Islands , Spania, Palma de Mallorca were analyzed. Phosphorus content from almond milk samples was about 11,069-11,97 mg/100 and from almond milk with omega 3 samples were 13,029 -13,673 mg/100g.

Keywords: almond milk, phosphorus, spectrophotometry