Autor/autori: Assist. Prof. Eng. Elena DANILA, Lecturer Eng. Catalin DAMIAN, PhD, Prof. Eng. Dorin Dumitru LUCACHE, PhD

Rezumat: Disponibilitatea limitata a resurselor energetice impune ca in toate procesele si actiunile noastre sa gasim abordarea optima de consum. In urmatorii 5 ani, in sectorul IT, se prevede o dublare a consumului de energie. Statisticile arata ca, in ¾ din timpul de functionare, un calculator sta pornit inutil, de aceea este necesara o monitorizare stricta a retelei si transformarea ei intr-o retea verde, prin eliminarea regimurilor idle si prin inchiderea automata a componentelor neutilizate.

Cuvinte cheie: reducerea consumului, calculator, retea verde, data center

Abstract: Limited availability of power resources requires that for all our daily processes and actions to find the perfect approach for saving energy. IT energy consumption is expected to double in the next five years. As statistics show that computers are switch on ¾ time for nothing, it’s necessary to monitor the energetically parameters and to help the grid became more green, by eliminating "idle" regimes in the operation of computers and by automatically turning off unused components in specified functioning moments

Keywords: energy saving, computer, green grid, data center