Autor/autori: PhD student. eng. Viorel LUCACI - Expert, PhD student. eng. Iosif SZENTES - Director, PhD student. eng. Manuela PETRARU - Expert

Rezumat: Aceasta lucrare trateaza problemele legate de consumurile energetice din transportul feroviar i implicaiile numarului mare de restricii i limitari de viteza din punct de vedere energetic i al timpilor de parcurs. O mare parte din costurile serviciilor de transport feroviar, indiferent daca este vorba de trenurile de calatori sau de marfa, o constituie pretul energiei consumate. Lucrul mecanic necesar deplasarii vehiculelor pe calea de rulare depinde de o serie întreaga de factori tehnici i nu numai. Conducerea trenului pe o linie pe care sunt prezente multiple limitari din punct de vedere a vitezei de deplasare, constituie o problema de conducere optimala rezolvabila cu ajutorul teoriilor de calcul variaional i de programare dinamica. Lucrarea de faa îi propune sa studieze impactul pe care le au restriciile i limitarile de viteza asupra consumurilor energetice i a duratelor de parcurs asupra trenurilor.

Cuvinte cheie: energie, consumuri, restricie de viteza, conducere optimala

Abstract: Present paper deals with problems which are related to energy consumption and the involvement of the large number of restrictions and speed-limits in the matter of energy and travel time. A large part of the costs of rail transport services, be it passenger or goods trains is made up of the price of the consumed energy. Mechanic work necessary to move the vehicle on the roll-track depends on a whole series of technical facts and not only. Driving the train on a track where multiple limitations are present from the point of view of speed, constitutes a solvable problem of optimal drive with the help of variable calculation theories and dynamic programming. Present paper is intended to study the impact restrictions and speed limits have on energy consumption and route length on trains.

Keywords: energy, consumption, speed-limit, optimal drive