Autor/autori: Lecturer Rocsana BUCEA-MANEA-TONIS, Lecturer Radu BUCEA-MANEA-TONIS

Rezumat: Standardizarea informatiei electronice in vederea facilitarii globalizarii proceselor de afaceri a devenit o cerinta imperativa pe piata mondiala a solutiilor e-business. Avantajele tehnologiilor de tip XML sunt maximizate de serviciile web si ebXML - in cazul proceselor de afaceri - care asigura un mecanism rapid de procesare pentru accesul direct, fara mijlocirea sistemului de gestiune a bazei de date. Articolul demonstreaza utilitatea acestor tehnologii prin intermediul studiului de caz.

Cuvinte cheie: XSL, XSLT, XML, ebXML, CPA

Abstract: Standardization of electronic information in order to facilitate the globalization of business processes has become imperative on the world market of e-business solutions. The benefits of XML-based technologies are maximized by ebXML for business processes and web services which provides a mechanism for fast processing for direct access, without the mediation of the database management system. The article demonstrates the usefulness of these technologies through case study.

Keywords: XSL, XSLT, XML, ebXML, CPA