Autor/autori: Pavel NEFIR, Valeriu TABARA

Rezumat: Avand in vedere faptul ca fertilizarea este una din masurile care, aplicate corespunzator, duce la cresterea productiei si implicit a calitatii acesteia, multe cercetari efectuate in ultimul timp s-au axat pe gasirea unor formule optime pentru aceasta. Lucrarea de fata isi propune sa analizeze efectul soiurilor, fertilizarii si densitatii asupra productiei de boabe la triticale (Triticosecale Wittmack) in conditiile de la Racasdia. Din analiza rezultatelor privind productia de boabe, se constata ca aceasta e influentata mai mult de fertilizare decat de soi si densitate. Diferentele dintre variante privind productiile de boabe la triticale sunt mai evidente in cazul variantelor sub efectul fertilizarii luate in studiu. Din analiza rezultatelor privind productiile de boabe se constata ca in majoritatea variantelor experimentale realizate prin utilizarea fertilizarii, productia de boabe depaseste 5400 kg/ha. Cele mai mari valori ale productiei de boabe se inregistreaza la varianta fertilizata N160P06K60 – 5495 kg/ha, la soiul romanesc Stil – 5302 kg/ha, la densitatea de 750bg/m2 – 5187 kg/ha.

Cuvinte cheie: triticale, soi, fertilizare, densitate, productie, calitate

Abstract: Given the fact that fertilization is one of the measures which, properly applied, lead to increased production and hence its quality, more research carried out lately have focused on identifying the optimal formula. This paper aims to analyze the effect of varieties, fertilization and density on grain yield in triticale (Triticosecale Wittmack) under the R?c??dia. The analysis results on the production of grain, it appears that it is influenced more fertilizer than the variety and density. Differences between versions of the triticale grain yields are more obvious if under the effect of fertilization variants studied. The analysis results on grain production is found in most versions made by using experimental fertilization, grain yield than 5400 kg/ha. The highest values of grain yield recorded in the variant fertilized N160P06K60 - 5495 kg/ha, the Romanian variety Style - 5302 kg/ha, the density of 750 bg/m2 - 5187 kg/ha.

Keywords: triticale, variety, fertilization, density, production, quality