Autor/autori: Asistent Ionel PETRESCU, Sef lucrari Maria Claudia SURUGIU

Rezumat: Sistemele de identificare prin radio frecventa (RFID) sunt des folosite in ultimii ani in robotica, transport sau industrie, administrare de personal, sisteme de securitate sau in orice zona in care oamenii sau obiectele trebuie sa fie identificate. Aceasta particularitate a transportului feroviar face posibila stabilirea unor puncte fixe, cu pozitie bine determinata si cunoscuta, in reteaua de cai ferate, in care se monteaza echipamente automate de identificare a vagoanelor si locomotivelor. Absenta surselor de alimentare cu energie electrica pe vagoanele de cale ferata restrange drastic paleta solutiilor tehnice utilizabile. Practic, se pot utiliza doua sisteme de identificare automata a vagoanelor de cale : citirea optica a informatiei inscrise in clar sau in cod de bare, pe peretele vagonului, sau identificarea prin radiofrecventa (RFID). Lucrarea de fata prezinta un echipament pentru monitorizarea vagoanelor pe calea ferata realizat pentru transmiterea si memorarea unor informatii minimale necesare managementului vagoanelor si garniturilor de tren. Echipamentul realizeaza salvarea datelor in memoria ambelor module.

Cuvinte cheie: sistem inteligent de transport, identificare prin radio frecventa (RFID), tag, antena, radio-comunicatii, cai ferate.

Abstract: Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) systems are very often used in the last few years in robotics, transportation or suppliers industry, personnel administration, security systems or in any area where people or objects need to be identified. The identification of train carriages and locomotives used in railway networks is a true example of using it and consists in placing fixed equipment in a specific and well known place. In these cases we have to deal with very low energy consumption caused by the absence of a source power mounted on wagons. This is the reason why there are only two ways to identify railway carriages: first one is optical reading of specific information contained in a bar code or clearly written on plates and the second is identification using radio frequency (RFID). In this paper it is presented a radio system which can monitor wagons on railroad and also transmits and memorizes minimum information absolutely useful in railway networks management. The equipment is able to save the data in a register placed inside a central module in railway station and also inside another register located on train carriages

Keywords: Intelligent Transport System, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), tag, antenna, radio communications, railway.