Autor/autori: Ing. Dorin IONESI, Catalin DUMITRAS, Luminita CIOBANU, Ana VIRCAN

Rezumat: Dezvoltarea materialelor compozite avansate ce au la baza preforme tridimensionale tricotate include o gama larga de domenii tehnice. Forma materialelor compozite ranforsate cu tricoturi tip sandwich poate fi controlata variind structura straturilor exterioare sau dispunerea si parametrii de structura ai straturilor de legatura. Lucrarea prezinta modalitatile de producere a materialelor compozite ranforsate cu structuri tip sandwich realizate din fire tehnice para-aramidice (Kevlar-inox si Twaron) si fire tehnice naturale (in), ca matrice fiind utilizate rasini poliesterice si epoxidice. Au fost avute in vedere tricotabilitatea firelor propuse si procesabilitatea rasinilor utilizate. Mostrele au fost obtinute utilizand o instalatie de transfer a rasinii sub vid (VARTM). Diferentele de procesabilitate dintre rasinile epoxidice si poliesterice au fost evidentiate in raport cu preformele tridimensionale tricotate.

Cuvinte cheie: materiale compozite, tricoturi tip sandwich, procesabilitatea rasinilor, tricotabilitatea firelor

Abstract: The development of 3D knitted fabrics includes a large range of applications in the technical field. The shape of composite materials reinforced with spacer fabrics can be controlled through the fabric structure of the outer layers, the simple or complex geometry of the connection knitted layer and the structural parameters. The paper presents the development of advanced 3D composite materials reinforced with sandwich knitted fabrics made of Kevlar®, twaron® and linen yarns and epoxy/polyester resins as matrix. The fabric processing is discussed and the yarn knittability is considered. The samples have been produced using vacuum assisted resin transfer moulding technique. The differences between epoxy and polyester resin processability are emphasized in relation to the 3D knitted preforms

Keywords: composite materials, sandwich fabrics, resin processing, yarn knittability