Autor/autori: Prof. univ. dr. ing. Eur Ing Ionel STARETU

Rezumat: In aceasta lucrare este descrisa o clasa modulara de prehensoare antropomorfe reconfigurabile pentru roboti, inclusiv un prototip. Pentru inceput sunt descrise succint etapele de sinteza, analiza, proiectare si simulare functionala. S-au ales doua variante : cu trei degete si cu patru degete identice cu cate trei falange pe deget. Sinteza cinematica este folosita pentru a obtine o corecta inchidere a degetelui si a mecanismului de prehensiune. Cu dimensiunile constructive rezultate in urma calculelor de rezistenta sau adoptate este realizat modelul 3D folosind softul CATIA. Sunt evidentiate cateva aspecte referitoare la simularea functionala CAD si simularea virtuala. Pentru varianta cu trei degete pe baza documentatiei tehnice corespunzatoare a fost realizat un prototip. Modulele constructive sunt : suportul cu rol de palma si degetul. Sunt date cateva dintre caracteristicile tehnice ale prehensorului realizat.

Cuvinte cheie: prehensoar antropomorf, sinteza structurala, analiza structurala, sinteza cinematica, proiectare,simulare functionala, prototype

Abstract: In this paper one class of anthropomorphic modular reconfigurable grippers for robots are described , including a prototype. For the first time the stages of synthesis, analysis design and functional simulation are presented. We choice two versions: with three and four identical fingers with three phalanxes on finger. The kinematic synthesis is used to obtain a correct closing of the finger and of the gripping mechanism. With the constructive dimensions a 3D model can be obtained using CATIA soft. Some aspects regarding functional CAD and virtual simulations are shown too. For one variant of this type of gripper, with three fingers, the technical documentation is completed and the technical project has all the conditions for practical achievement and a prototype was made. There are two main constructive modules: the support – the palm and the finger. Main technical characteristics of the prototype are indicated

Keywords: anthropomorphic gripper, structural synthesis, structural analysis, structural synthesis, cinematic synthesis, design, functional simulation, prototipe.