Autor/autori: Ing. Ana VIRCAN, Ing. Dorin IONESI, Ing. Ionut DULGHERIU, Ing. Mitu STAN

Rezumat: Cresterea si dezvoltarea fizica si psihica a copiilor este influentata de factorii genetici, sociali, geografici, nutritionali, de nivelul de cultura, educatie, civilizatie etc. si in consecinta este un proces extrem de dinamic si neuniform in timp. Lucrarea de fata trateaza cresterea si dezvoltarea copiilor (fete) cu varsta cuprinsa intre 7 si 10 ani, in vederea obtinerii informatiilor necesare constructiei de tipare in corespondenta cu dimensiunile grupei de varsta studiate. Lucrarea de fata are drept scop caracterizarea grupei de varsta 7÷10 ani pe baza analizei sirului variational a dimensiunilor principale ale corpului copilului. Datele experimentale necesare efectuarii studiului au fost obtinute prin metoda directa de masurare, asupra unei selectii de copii (194 de fete) fiind analizate bidimensional, in scopul identificarii tipurilor morfologice specifice acestei grupe de purtatori si a frecventei de aparitie a acestora.

Cuvinte cheie: antropometrie, crestere, tipuri morfologice, frecventa de intalnire

Abstract: The growth, physical and psychical development of children is being influenced by genetic, social, geographical, nutritional factors, cultural, educational and civilization ones. Therefore it is an extremely dynamic process and non-uniform over time. The present papers analyze the growth and development of the children (girls) aged between 7 and 10 years as to obtain the necessary information for pattern construction according to the studied age group dimensions. This paper aims to analyze the characteristics of the 7 to 10 years age group based on the variational string of the main body dimensions of childrens. The experimental data necessary for this study have been obtained through direct method of measurement on a target group of children (194 girls). The main anthropometric dimensions have been analyzed through bi-dimensional statistical analysis. The main objective of present paper is to identify the morphological types specific to this target group and the appearance frequency.

Keywords: anthropometry, morphological types, frequency of appearance