Autor/autori: Dana STEFAN, Cerasela ZIMBRAN, Adelina HAN

Rezumat: Lucrarea prezinta un studiu privind necesitatea activitatilor de orientare si consiliere pentru cariera a elevilor de ciclul gimnazial. S-a conceput un chestionar, ce a fost completat de 41 de elevi de clasa a VIII-a de la Scoala Gimnaziala nr. 12 Timisoara. Rezultatele anchetei arata ca mai mult de 50% din elevi, stiu la ce liceu isi vor continua studiile, respectiv au o imagine asupra viitorului. Insa, exista nevoia de consiliere a elevilor, deoarece mai mult de 70% din elevi doresc organizarea unor actiuni suplimentare de orientare si consiliere in cariera: proiecte ”Profesii si meserii”, vizite la intreprinderi, participarea la Targul Liceelor, ore suplimentare pe tema orientarii profesionale. Pe baza nevoilor exprimate de elevi, se va propune conducerii scolii organizarea de activitati ce vor ajuta elevii sa-si aleaga mai bine viitorul profesional.

Cuvinte cheie: calitate, elevi, educare, optiuni, OSP (orientare scolar profesionala).

Abstract: The paper presents a study regarding the necessity of activities for guidance and counseling for career of pupils inside the gymnasium cycle. It was created an inquiry questionnaire which was completed by 41 pupils inside the 8 th grade form the Gymnasium School no.12 in Timi?oara. The inquiry results show that more than 50% of the pupils know from high school where will they continue their studies and have an image about their future. There still is the need of counseling the pupils because more than 70% of them whish for supplementary guidance activities for career to be organized: projects like “Professions and jobs”, visits to companies, participation to the High schools Fair, extra hours having as main theme the career guidance. Based on the expressed needs of the 8 th graders there will be made proposals to the school administration for activities made to help the pupils to better chose their professional future

Keywords: quality, pupils, education, options, OSP (proffesional school guidance).