Autor/autori: Eng. L. Dan MILICI, PhD, Eng. Bert KINT (Belgia), Eng. Cristine VanLARE, PhD (Belgia), Eng. Mariana MILICI, PhD

Rezumat: O politica energetica buna implica o buna gestionare a surselor regenerabile de energie sau un control al consumului energetic astfel incat sa minimizam consumurile. Lucrarea prezinta un sistem de dezvoltare ce implementeaza un management al energiei intr-o locuinta individuala, sistem care poate fi extins ulterior pentru blocuri de apartamente. Acest sistem poate fi integrat in timpul constructiei sau in lucrari de renovare. Primul pas este de a economisi energie, pentru a reduce cererea. Principalul avantaj este reducerea cheltuielilor deoarece timpul de amortizare a investitiilor de baza este de cele mai multe ori scurt.

Cuvinte cheie: management energetic, energie regenerabila, sistem fotovoltaic, microsistem de monitorizare

Abstract: A good energy policy can involve several things, like a good management of the renewable sources or the control from the heat with as less energy as possible. That’s where this paper goes about, the developing of a management system for energy in an individual house, which can be extended later for apartment blocks. This system can be integrated during the construction or the renovation from a dwelling. The first step is to not spoil energy, to reduce the demand of energy. The biggest advantage is probably that a lot of money can be saved, because the payback time of basic investments is -most of the times- short, that’s nice with the rising energy prices!

Keywords: building, design, flexibility, structures components