Autor/autori: Prof. dr. Viorel POP, Lect. dr. Mihaela STET

Rezumat: Natura progresiva a cercetarii stiintifice este probabil cel mai impresionant exemplu ce poate fi oferit pentru termenul de „progres”. Cu o deschidere mult mai larga, mergand spre social, putem spune ca exista credinta dupa care, epocile ulterioare sunt imbunatatiri ale celor anterioare. Din punct de vedere strict logic progresul se poate face atat in bine cat si in rau. Dar in mod obisnuit, cand vorbim despre progresul civilizatiei, al naturii umane, ne referim la progresul in bine: sporirea cunostintelor in toate domeniile, sporirea libertatilor politice, dezvoltarea tehno-logica si prosperitatea economica - spre realizarea bunastarii generale. Progresul tehnic are anumite proprietati. In primul rand, el este instantaneu, nerezultand din vreun proces de invatare care s-ar fi desfasurat in timp. Odata introdusa o noua tehnologie, ea este stapanita imediat, pe deplin. Accesul la progresul tehnic este o chestiune de incitatii. O noua tehnologie va fi aleasa pentru ca este superioara prin prisma unui criteriu dat de performanta pe termen lung: rata randamentului, costul unitar, productivitatea pe salariat etc. Activitatea de cercetare-dezvoltare determina aparitia noilor tehnici si a noilor produse intr-un sens foarte precis: cu cat preocuparile pentru C-D sunt mai consistente, cu atat costurile unitare asociate noii tehnici vor fi mai mari dar termenul mai scurt pana la data aparitiei pe piata a noilor produse. In consecinta, progresul tehnologic inclusiv efectele economice rezultate, se bazeaza pe incitarile la cercetare-dezvoltare, care depind la randul lor de posibilitatile financiare, de conditiile de insusire, implementare a rezultatelor si conditiile de concurenta. Inovarea da nastere unui proces de distrugere creatoare. Rezulta ca orice progres tehnic trece prin disparitia vechilor procese si inlocuirea lor cu altele noi. Trebuie construita noua capacitate, proces care necesita timp, iar mai ales faza preliminara de intrare in productie a noii tehnologii, nu este scutita de dificultati. Recunoasterea acestui aspect esential al evolutiei tehnologice, cere o reprezentare mai subtila a progresului tehnic cat si a productiei.

Cuvinte cheie: progres, progres tehnic-tehnologic, cercetare-dezvoltare, inovare

Abstract: The progressive nature of scientific research is probably the most impressive example that can be given for the term of "progress". With a much wider opening, going to social, we can say that there is a belief by which subsequent ages are improvements of the previous ones. From a strictly logical point of view progress can be both good and bad. But usually, when we talk about the progress of civilization, of human nature, we refer to the progress in good: increasing knowledge in all areas, increasing political freedoms, technological development and economic prosperity - towards the general welfare. Technical progress has certain properties. First, it is instantly, not resulting from any learning process that would have developed in time. Once introduced a new technology, it is immediately mastered fully. Access to technical progress is a matter of incitation. New technology will be chosen because it is superior in terms of long-term performance: rate of efficiency, the unit cost, productivity per employee etc. Research and development activity determines the emergence of new techniques and new products in a very precise sense: as the concerns for researchdevelopment are more consistent, the unit costs associated with the new techniques will be higher, but shorter term until the release of new products on the market. Consequently, technological progress including the economic results are based on incitement to research and development, which in turn depend on financial possibilities, conditions of learning, implementation results and competitive conditions. Innovation creates a process of creative destruction. It follows that any technical progress passes through the disappearance of old processes and replacing them with new ones. New capacity must be built, process that takes time, and especially the preliminary commissioning of the new technology is not exempt from difficulties. The recognition of this essential aspect of technological evolution demands a more subtle representation of technical progress and production.

Keywords: progress, technical and technological progress, research and development, innovation