The physical and chemical structures by milk derivates

Autor/autori: Florin M. Dumitrescu

Rezumat: Diferite proprietati fizico-chimice si mecanice ale margarinei, ca plasticitatea, vascozitatea, culoarea, gustul, aromele, punctul de topire, sunt similare cu ale untului de vaca natural, pe care il inlocuieste. In aceasta lucrare de cercetare a fost studiata evolutia in timp a parametrilor fizico-chimici ai pH-ului margarinei (nesaturarea, peroxidul si indicele TBA); pe langa acesti parametri a fost studiata evolutia de culorii. Caracteristicile cromatice ale margarinei au fost studiate cu ajutorul metodei colorimetrice. Scopul principal al cercetarii a fost de a determina evolutia in timp a principalilor parametri fizico-chimici si a consecintelor asupra consumatorilor. Pe langa aceasta, s-a incercat corelarea parametrilor fizico-chimici (IN, IP, TBA) cu cei din metoda colorimetrica, pornindu-se in general de la culoare si caracteristicile organoleptice pentru a se stabili calitatea si acceptabilitateal produselor alimentare de catre consumator. Prin sistematizarea datelor obtinute experimental au rezultat modificarile cromatice in zilele de expunere la lumina si continuitatea transpunerilor biochimice.

Cuvinte cheie: nesaturare, peroxid, indicele TBA, pH-ul, metoda colorimetrica

Abstract: Various physico-chemical and mechanical properties of margarine like the plasticity, viscosity, color, taste, flavors, melting point are similar to natural cow butter which it has to substitute. In this research paper there was studied the evolution in time of the physico-chemical parameters of margarine (unsaturation, peroxide and TBA index) pH; beside these parameters there has been studied the evolution of color. Chromatic characteristics of margarine have been studied using colorimetry method. The main point of the research was to determine the evolution in time of main the physical-chemical parameters, and the consequences of variety on consumers. Beside this we tried to correlate by the physico-chemical parameters (IN, IP, TBA) with the ones from the colorimetric method, having in general, the color and the organoleptic characteristics to establish the quality and acceptability of food by the consumer. By systemizing obtained experimental data result that the chromatic modifications, in the days of light exposure and continuities for the biochemical transpositions.

Keywords: unsaturation, peroxide, TBA index, pH, colorimetry method.