Applications and service integration of decision support systems using .net platform

Autor/autori: Ilie Tamas, Radu Bucea-manea, Rocsana Tonis

Rezumat: In cadrul acestui articol vom discuta despre suportul oferit de platforma .NET pentru arhitectura orientata pe servicii (SOA). Pentru inceput vom face o scurta introducere a platformei .NET si apoi vom aprofunda caracteristicile si principiile de baza ale SOA contemporane. Scopul nostru este de a demonstra ca arhitectura SOA este optiunea perfecta in dezvoltarea de aplicatii e-business. Am subliniat, de asemenea, ca sistemele de suport decizional si solutii de business intelligence sunt aplicatii ideale pentru a fi implementate in SOA, printr-un studiu de caz elocvent.

Cuvinte cheie: Net, SOA, SOAP, integrare, servicii Web, WSDL

Abstract: In this paper we discuss the support offered by the .Net platform for Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). First we give a brief introduction on service integration. An overview of the platform .Net is followed by the architecture, characteristics and primitives of contemporary SOA. Our purpose is to demonstrate that SOA architecture is the perfect option in developing the e-business applications. We also underline that decision support systems and business intelligence solutions are ideal applications to be implemented in SOA, though an eloquent case study.

Keywords: Net; SOA; SOAP; integration; Web services; WSDL.