Autor/autori: Prof. univ. dr. ing. Georgeta POP, Dr. ing. Dorin Augustin POP, Prof. dr. ing. Ersilia ALEXA, Dr. ing. Monica NEGREA

Rezumat: Lucrarea isi propune studiul unor factori care influenteaza continul de micotoxine din cariopsele (boabele) de porumb. Continutul de umiditate al probelor analizate peste limita maxima prevazuta in STAS pentru pastrarea in conditii optime a cerealelor si conditiile necorespunzatoare de pastrare influenteaza calitatea cerealelor, contribuind la dezvoltarea fungiilor si elaborarea de micotoxine. Probele de porumb avand umiditate mai mare de 17 % au fost analizate in ceea ce priveste continutul de micotoxine. Rezultatele experimentale au indicat faptul ca nu s-au identificat reziduuri peste limita maxima admisa. Probele pastrate in conditii corespunzatoare de umiditate nu au inregistrat depasiri in ceea ce priveste continutul de micotoxine. Au fost analizate 50 de probe de porumb provenite din 2 judete ale tarii: Timis si Arad in ceea ce priveste valoarea nutritionala a cariopselor (boabelor) de porumb. Indicii fizico-chimici analizati au fost: umiditatea %, continutul proteic %, continutul lipidic % si continutul de amidon %. Valoarea nutritionala a probelor de porumb analizate corespunde cerintelor formulate in standardele in vigoare.

Cuvinte cheie: porumb, valoare nutritionala, micotoxine, continut de umiditate, conditii de depozitare.

Abstract: This paper presents the study of some factors that influence the content of mycotoxins in corn kernels. Moisture content of the analysed samples over the maximum limit specified in STAS for grain storage in optimum conditions and poor storage conditions affect grain quality, contributing to development of fungi and elaboration of mycotoxins. Samples of corn with more than 17% moisture content were analyzed for the content of mycotoxins. The experimental results showed that no residues were found above the permissible maximum. Samples kept in adequate conditions of moisture have not been exceeded in terms of mycotoxins. Were analyzed 50 samples of maize from two counties: Timis and Arad in terms of nutritional value of corn kernels. Physicochemical parameters analyzed were: moisture %, protein content %, lipid content and starch content %. The nutritional value of corn samples analyzed correspond to the requirements set forth in the standards.

Keywords: corn, nutritional value, mycotoxins, moisture content, storage conditions