Autor/autori: Prof. dr. ing. Ioana ARMAS

Rezumat: Complexitatea problemelor privind ingineria si managementul riscurilor evidentiaza necesitatea considerarii unor solutii specifice care sa integreze rezultatele cercetarilor din diverse domenii, precum si tehnologiile moderne. In acest context, prezenta lucrare propune considerarea domeniului roboticii ca fundament al dezvoltarii de solutii suport pentru ingineria si managementul riscurilor la nivelul principalelor dimensiuni: riscul tehnic / tehnologic, riscul natural / de mediu, riscul determinat de factorul uman, riscul informational. Aplicabilitatea rezultatelor vizeaza intreaga arie a ingineriei si managementului riscurilor si se constituie ca baza pentru dezvoltarea unei industrii robotice specifice ale carei produse si servicii vor reprezenta sisteme suport in rezolvarea problemelor atasate diverselor riscuri care sunt asociate in mod natural sau conex evolutiei societatii umane.

Cuvinte cheie: robotica, cercetare transdisciplinara, ingineria si managementul riscurilor, complexitate

Abstract: The complexity of the risk management and engineering impose the necessity to consider specific solutions that integrate the results of the researches in different areas, and the modern technologies. The present paper considers robotics as the basis for the development of support solutions for risk management and engineering at its levels: technical and technological risks, environmental / natural risks, human risks, information risks. The results will be applied in the entire area of the risk management and engineering, and represent a basis for the development of a specific robotics industry whose products and services will be the support solutions for the risk problems connected with the environment and the human society evolution

Keywords: robotics, trsndisciplinary research, risk management and engineering, complexity