Autor/autori: Prof. dr. ing.Emilia FILIPESCU, Dr. ing. Sabina OLARU, Drd. ing. Elena FILIPESCU

Rezumat: Complexitatea procesului proiectarii constructive a imbracamintei deriva din faptul ca aceasta utilizeaza un volum mare de informatii initiale in randul carora, cele despre forma si dimensiunile diferitelor regiuni ale corpului uman, ocupa un rol deosebit de important. Forma corpului uman prezinta o variabilitate foarte mare in randul aceleiasi grupe de purtatori, femei sau barbati, datorita unei multitudini de factori cum ar fi varsta, ereditatea, stilul de viata, zona geografica etc. In activitatea de proiectare constructiva a imbracamintei ce urmeaza a se confectiona in sistem industrial sau individual (dupa marimile corporale ale clientilor) este necesara cunoasterea indicatorilor morfologici de caracterizare a formei corpului uman ca suprafata de sprijin pentru produsele de imbracaminte. In acest context, lucrarea prezinta evaluarea formei corpului uman prin indicatori morfologici cum ar fi tinuta, proportiile si conformatia. Pentru acesti indicatori s-au prelucrat matematic datele primare oferite de ancheta antropometrica desfasurata in Romania, prin metoda de scanare 3D si s-au stabilit domeniile de variatie care s-au comparat cu cele obtinute de cercetari similare desfasurate pe plan mondial. In urma studiului s-a elaborat un model matematic de incadrare automata a unui subiect oarecare la o tipodimensiune, tinuta, conformatie si proportii pe baza cunoasterii marimilor antropometrice relevante pentru calculul indicatorilor morfologici de caracterizare a corpului uman. Rezultatele cercetarii se constituie in informatii initiale necesare in activitatea de proiectare constructiva a imbracamintei dupa marimile antropometrice ale utilizatorilor (imbracaminte individualizata).

Cuvinte cheie: indicatori morfologici, proportii, conformatie, tinuta.

Abstract: The complexity of the process of garment constructive design derives from the fact that it uses a larger volume of initial information among those that are about the shape and the dimensions of the various regions of the human body plays an important role. The human body shape has a very high variability among the same group of wearers, men or women, due to factors such as age, heredity, lifestyle, geography etc. In the activity of constructive clothing design that are about to be manufactured in the industrial or customized system (after the body measurements of the customers) it is necessary to know the morphological indicators for characterization of the human body shape, as a support for garments. In this context, the paper presents the evaluation of the human body shape using the morphological indicators such as posture, size and conformation. For these indicators there were mathematically processed the primary data provided by the anthropometric survey held in Romania, using the 3D scanning method, and was established the variation fields that were compared with those obtained from similar research undertaken worldwide. After the research, it was developed a mathematical model of automatic classification of a subject at a certain size, port, conformation and proportions based on the knowledge of the relevant anthropometrical sizes for the morphological indicators calculation to characterize human body. The research results are in the initial information required in the activity of constructive clothing design based on the anthropometric sizes of the users (customized clothing).

Keywords: morphological indicators, proportions, conformation, held