Autor/autori: Bogdan NEAGU, Gheorghe GEORGESCU

Rezumat: Prin intermediul sistemelor de repartitie si distributie a energiei electrice (SRDE) sunt alimentati un numar mare de consumatori casnici si tertiari, iar in vederea proiectarii si exploatarii rationale a respectivelor instalatii trebuie cunoscute, cat mai exact posibil, nivelul actual de consum pentru toate categoriile de consumatori alimentati cu energie electrica, prognozele sau previziunile asupra cererii de putere sau energie, precum si modul in care se consuma energia respectiva, in functie de ora, zi si sezonier, pe parcursul unui an. Din aceste motive, in lucrare sunt prezentate, in detaliu, o parte din rezultatele obtinute in urma unei campanii de monitorizare, la nivelul anilor 2009 si 2010, a curbelor de sarcina din nodurile caracteristice ale SRDE. In felul acesta, s-a urmarit dezvoltarea si reactualizarea bazei de date care contine forma sau profilul acestor curbe de sarcina pentru zilele caracteristice sau standard de-a lungul unui an atat in regim de durata cat si in regim de scurta durata.

Cuvinte cheie: curbe de sarcina, indicatori caracteristici, profilare,

Abstract: Through electricity repartition and distribution systems (ERDS) are supplied with electricity a large numbers of households and tertiary consumers, and for the rational design and operation of these facilities should be known, as accurately as possible, the current levels of consumption for all consumers categories, the forecasts or predictions on the power or energy demand, how that energy is consumed, depending by hour, day and season during a year. For these reasons, the paper presents in detail some results of a monitoring campaign from 2009 and 2010 of the load curves in ERDS characteristic nodes, which supply with electricity different consumers categories. In this way, was followed the development and the update of database which contain the shape or the profile of these load curves for characteristic or standard days over a year at both continuous load and short-term or peak load.

Keywords: load curves, characteristic parameters, profilling process,