Autor/autori: Prof. PhD. Eng. Horia ANDREI, MSc.Eng. Paul ANDREI, Lect.PhD. Eng. Traian IVANOVICI, PhD. Student Eng.Emil DIACONU, Assoc.Prof.PhD. Eng. Florin STAN

Rezumat: Ultima perioada a dus la cresterea semnificativa a cercetarilor si aplicatiilor industriale in domeniul energiei soalre deoarece aceasta este considerata ca fiind energia viitorului, este curata si regenerabila. Evolutia sistemelor fotovoltaice (PV) a condus la proiectarea si instalarea a numeroase panouri PV, cu puteri din ce in ce mai mari. Atunci cand panoul PV este mai mare, structura sa este determinata de conexiuni adecvate serie si paralel ale celulelor PV, care se leaga la acelasi convertor DC/AC. Cunoasterea parametrilor si caracteristicilor celulelor PV este deosebit de importanta si necesra pentru sistemele PV si proiectarea aplicatiiilor acestora. Lucrarea de fata descrie doua solutii matematice, metoda interpolarii si metoda analitica, pentru aproximarea parametrilor si caracteristicilor celulelor/panourilor PV la diferite nivele de radiatie solara. Rezultatele au fost comparate cu cele obtinute din datele achizitionate si masurate pentru cazurile reale. Proceduri de calcul specifici au fost implementati in scopul de a proba metodele teoretice propuse.

Cuvinte cheie: celula PV, conexiuni, caracteristici, parametri, interpolare, metoda analitica

Abstract: The last period brought a significant development of research and industrial application in the field of solar energy because this is considered to be the energy source of the future, it is clean and renewable. The evolution of photovoltaic (PV) array is leading to the design and installation of more and more largely sized PV plants. Then, when the plant size increases, the structure of the PV plant is determined by suitable parallel and series connections of the PV cells, forming the PV array that lies under the same DC/AC converter. The knowledge of the PV cells parameters and characteristics is crucial and needed for PV systems and applications design. This paper describes two mathematical solutions, curve fitting and analytical methods, in order to approximate the PV cells/panels characteristics and parameters under different solar irradiance levels. The results are compared with those obtaining from acquisition and measured data for real cases. Specific computational procedures are implemented in order to prove the theoretical proposed methods.

Keywords: PV cell, connections, characteristics, parameters, curve fitting method, analytical method