Autor/autori: Assoc. Prof. Eng. Marian GAICEANU, PhD

Rezumat: In aceasta lucrare se prezinta topologia unui invertor de retea si performantele controlului cu reactie dupa stare cu actiune integrala. Beneficiul major adus de aceasta topologie este utilizarea unui invertor comun care injecteaza puterea generata de la surse regenerabile in retea. Structura de control a invertorului de putere este de tip vectorial, in sistem de referinta sincron si foloseste conceptul de echilibru de putere. Structura de control a prototipului a fost implementata cu ajutorul procesorului digital de semnal dSMC 101 . Solutia propusa in aceasta lucrare introduce avantaje suplimentare fata de sistemul de putere cu control conventional doar cu reactie dupa stare: filtrul proiectat pe intrarea buclei de curent asigura eroare stationara zero si prin adaugarea unei componente adecvate, sistemul de control conduce la o rejectare dinamica adevata a perturbatiei de sarcina. Deoarece foloseste componenta integrala, structura de control are capabilitati robuste pentru la actiuni perturbatoare.

Cuvinte cheie: Energii regenerabile, conditionarea puterii, conectare la retea, control cu reactie dupa stare integral

Abstract: This paper shows the topology of grid-connected green power system and the performances of the front-end three-phase power inverter by applying integral state feedback control. The proposed topology benefits of the one common DC-AC inverter which injects the generated power into the grid. The control structure of the DC-AC power inverter is vector control type, in synchronous reference frame, and it uses the power balance concept. The control of the DC-AC converter prototype has been implemented based on the dSMC 101 digital signal processors-DSP. The proposed solution adds supplementary benefits to power system besides to the conventional state feedback control: the designed input filter of the current loop assures zero steady state error and an adequate component is added for dynamic rejection of the load disturbance. Because it uses the integral component, the control structure has robust capabilities to load disturbance actions.

Keywords: Renewable energy, power conditioning, grid-connected, integral state feedback control, Matlab