Autor/autori: Lecturer Eng. Cristian BARZ, PhD, Prof. Eng. Constantin OPREA, PhD, Junior Teach. Assist. Eng. Claudiu LUNG
Rezumat: Lucrarea urmareste studiul alternatorului cu poli gheara in urma modificarilor constructive, introducerea de componente din Aluminiu si Cupru, in cadrul rotorului si influentele pe care le produc acestea in modificarea parametrilor alternatorului, fiind urmarite prin realizarea unor prototipuri practice, care vor sta la baza modelelor ulterioare. O reducere a pierderilor din histerezis se realizeaza prin reducerea nivelul de saturatie in rotor, puterea economisita fiind transferata in puterea utila la iesirea masinii, realizand astfel cresterea performantelor.
Cuvinte cheie: analiza 3D, alternator cu poli gheara, metoda elementelor finite
Abstract: This paper aims to study the claw-pole alternator following some constructive modifications such as the introduction of aluminum and copper components in the rotor and its consequences on the alternator parameters. Successful modifications will be implemented into practical prototypes that will constitute the basis for future models. A reduction of the hysteresis loss is realized by reducing the level of saturation in the rotor, with the saved power being converted into effective power, thus increasing the performance of the machine
Keywords: 3D analysis; claw-pole alternator; simulation; finite element method