Rezumat: Designul industrial este o activitate complexa, care implica mai multe etape si nivele de abordare,intre care protectia mediului este nu numai un deziderat ci si o componenta esentiala. In etapa istorica pe care o parcurgem, trebuie sa fim constienti de efectele actiunilor noastre, mostenire pentru viitorul civilizatiilor planetei. Resursele materiale aferente unui produs, de-a lungul intregului sau ciclu de viata, au un impact important asupra mediului inconjurator. Acest impact ar putea fi redus avand in vedere atat calitatea cat si cantitatea acestor resurselor materiale.

Cuvinte cheie: design industrial, ecodesign, educatie, mediu, resurse

Abstract: Industrial design is a complex activity, which involves many steps and levels to deal with, between the environment protection is not only a wish, but a very important component. In the historical stage that we pass through, we must be fully aware of our actions effects, heritage for the future of the planet civilizations. The material resources used during a product life cycle, have a very important impact on the environment. This impact could be reduced considering both the quality and the quantity of these material resources

Keywords: Industrial design, ecodesign, education, environment, resources