Autor/autori: Arh. Cornel CALOMFIRESCU (Polonia)
Rezumat: In viitor, in multe domenii ale stiintei si tehnologiei progresul este si va fi mult mai rapid decat evolutia societatii umane. Dezvoltarea tehnologica din urmatorii ani ne va surprinde prin descoperiri tehnologice si efectele acestora, care vor fi greu de inteles pentru majoritatea oamenilor. Cu toate acestea, toata lumea va folosi aceste descoperiri, ca o consecinta obiectiva a dezvoltarii societatii. Evolutia sociala conduce la modificari esentiale necesare ale constructiilor civile de interes public. Un anumit model este reflectat in proiectele propuse de mine, gata pentru a fi puse in aplicare in Romania, cum ar fi reabilitarea Centrului Istoric Radauti, cladiri cu valoare deosebita, tehnica si economica. Acest proiect va permite imbunatatirea nivelului de acceptare comunitara, dar cred ca cel mai important este ca un public larg poate sa inteleaga semnificatia si importanta acceptarii propunerilor de a opera numai in conditii noi de inginerie si tehnologie avansata.
Cuvinte cheie: dezvoltare tehnologica, reabilitare
Abstract: In future, in many areas of science and technology the progress is and will be much faster than the evolution of the human society. The technological development prospect for the next years will surprise us by the technological breakthroughs and their effects that will be hard to understand for most of people. However, everybody will use these breakthroughs as an objective consequence of the society development. The social evolution leads to essential changes needed to civil constructions of public interest. A certain model is reflected in my proposed projects, ready to be implemented in Romania, like the rehabilitation of Radauti Historic Centre, buildings with outstanding technical and economic values. This project will allow an improvement of the level of comunity acceptance. But, I think that the most important is that a large audience can understand the meaning and the importance of the proposals to operate only in new conditions of engineering and advanced technology
Keywords: technological development, rehabilitation