Autor/autori: Prof. dr. ing. Viorel POP

Rezumat: Inginerul - este specialistul cu pregatire tehnica si teoretica superioara, care presteaza o activitate de proiectare, cercetare, de organizare si conducere a proceselor tehnologice dintr-o intreprindere. Avand in vedere rolul esential al inginerului in progresul societatii, trebuie sa acordam o atentie sporita formarii inginerilor in facultate, astfel ca acestia sa aiba cunostinte riguroase, abilitati practice si creativitate, disciplina muncii si responsabilitate. De valoarea cadrelor universitare depinde nivelul si actualitatea cunoasterii transmise viitorilor absolventi. Din pacate, desi avem un deficit de ingineri pe piata muncii, situatie caracteristica intregii lumi occidentale, nivelul pregatirii acestora este nemultumitor. Va trebui sa flexibilizam sistemul universitar ingineresc, si nu numai atat, este necesar sa gasim cele mai potrivite metode ca sa atragem elevii talentati spre aceasta zona mai dificila, cea a ingineriei. Marile realizari ingineresti trebuie mai bine mediatizate, iar pregatirea lor trebuie orientata si spre cunostintele economice, mai ales cele de management, cu respectarea conceptelor dezvoltarii durabile, in conditiile noii societati bazate pe cunoastere. Tinerele promotii de ingineri trebuie sa aiba pe deplin aceste cunostinte care sa le permita folosirea lor in activitatea practica cu rezultate tot mai vizibile pe plan international.

Cuvinte cheie: inginer, creativitate, economie, dezvoltare durabila, cunoastere

Abstract: Engineer - is the specialist having superior technical and theoretical knowledge, pursuing an activity of design, research, organization and management processes in an enterprise. Given the vital role of the engineer in the progress of society, we must pay attention to training engineers in university, so that they have rigorous knowledge, practical skills and creativity, work discipline and responsibility. The level and timeliness of knowledge transmitted to the future graduates depend on the value of the academics staff. Unfortunately, although we have a shortage of engineers in the labor market, a situation characteristic of the whole Western world, their training level is unsatisfactory. We will need to flexible engineering education system, and not only that, it is necessary to find the most appropriate methods to attract talented students to the more difficult area of engineering. Great engineering achievements should be better publicized, and their training should be geared towards economic knowledge, especially management, respecting the concepts of sustainable development under the conditions of the new knowledge-based society. Young engineers promotions must have this knowledge in order to enable their use in practice results more visible internationally.

Keywords: engineer, creativity, economy, sustainable development, knowledge