Autor/autori: Eng. Codrin MALES PhD S, Prof. Eng. Valentin POPA PhD

Rezumat: In aceasta lucrare sunt prezentate rezultatele obtinute in urma testarii performantei comunicatiei prin reteaua electrica (PLC – Power Line Communications) prin liniile de joasa tensiune atunci cand s-a utilizat protocolul PLC G3. Testele au fost efectuate prin linii de joasa tensiune cu lungimi de 600m si 1.500m, in cel de-al doilea caz s-a testat si posibilitatea realizarii comunicatiei prin secundarul unui transformator de MT/JT de pe o faza pe alta. Un alt test a analizat posibilitatea comunicatiei prim miezul unui transformator de MT/JT si preluarea datelor de pe linia de Mt prin intermediul unui transformator de masura de tensiune.

Cuvinte cheie: PLC G3, joasa tensiune, OFDM, banda ingusta

Abstract: In this paper are presented the field tests resuls of power line communication (PLC) over low voltage power line when PLC G3 protocol has been used. Test have been made over different lengths of low voltage (LV) power lines respectively 600m and 1.500m. For the second length case there have been tested the posibility of data transfer when the communication was made through the secondary winding of a MV/LV power transformer from one phase to another. Another test analyzed the possibility of sending data through the core of a MV/LV power transformer and receiving data from the MV line using a voltage measurement transformer

Keywords: PLC G3, low voltage, OFDM, narrowband