Autor/autori: Eng. Stefan SILION, Eng. Ana-Maria LOVIN PhD
Rezumat: Starea carosabilului reprezinta o problema foarte importanta in traficul rutier deoarece influenteaza pe de o parte siguranta rutiera atat a participantilor la trafic si a vecinatatii soselelor (cladiri, indicatoare, gradini) , cat si a vitezei medii de deplasare si a fluentei circulatiei. Cresterea continua a numarului de autoturisme depaseste adeseori capacitatea de proiectare a infrastructurii rutiere, provocand astfel aglomerari, si crescand riscul producerii de accidente. Monitorizarea starii carosabilului se poate face atat prin metode optice,cat si prin senzori fixati in sosea.
Cuvinte cheie: conditii de drum , detectie , monitorizare , senzori , metode optice
Abstract: The roadway state is a very important issue in traffic because it influence on the part of both road safety and road users in the vicinity of roads (buildings, signs, gardens), on the other hand has a rather large influence on the average travel speed and fluency. Increasing number of cars often exceeds the design capacity of the road infrastructure, causing crowding, and increasing the risk of accidents. Road condition monitoring can be done either through fixed sensors in the road, or remotely by optical methods or by monitoring weather conditions and water detection under the road
Keywords: road condition, detection, monitoring, sensors, optical methods