Autor/autori: PhD, Prof. Eng. Virgil MAIER, PhD, Student Eng. Victoria-Florica POLEC, PhD, Prof. Eng. Sorin-Gheorghe PAVEL, PhD, Assist. Eng. Horia-Gheorghe BELEIU
Rezumat: Principalul obiectiv al prezentei cercetari il reprezinta identificarea de functii analitice pentru caracteristicile de protectie ale SF, care sa poata fi utilizate direct, in redarea rapida a caracteristicilor si in analiza selectivitatii, precum si in cadrul unor programe pe calculator, pentru analiza asistata a conditiilor de selectivitate.
Cuvinte cheie: caracteristicile timp-curent a sigurantelor fuzibile, identificarea analitica a functiilor
Abstract: The main objective of this study is the analytical identification of the fuses protection characteristics, which can be used directly, in the fast rendering of the characteristics and in selectivity analysis, as well as in the context of computer programs, for the assisted analysis of the selectivity conditions
Keywords: fuses time-current characteristics, functions analytical identification