Autor/autori: Marian DRAGOMIR, PhD, Prof. Eng. Alexandru MIRON, PhD
Rezumat: In lucrare sunt prezentati doi algoritmi de localizare a defectelor (Chen si Istrate) pentru liniile de trasnport al energiei electrice. Acestia folosesc esantioane preluate din undele de tensiune si curent din regimul de defect de la ambele extremitati ale liniei monitorizate. Autorii au modelat in Matlab o retea simpla cu tensiunea nominala de 400 kV compusa din doua surse interconecate print-o linie de 210 km. De asemenea in Matlab a fost imaginat si un model de locator de defect in care au fost implementati algoritmii aminitit. Acest locator utilizeaza fazorii de frecventa fundamentala ai tensiunilor si curentilor, care sunt obtinuti cu ajutorul unui algoritm adaptiv. Blocurile de localizare a defectelor precum si cel pentru obtinerea fazorilor alcatuiesc o unealta flexibila folosita in analiza localizarii defectelor, luand ca parametru distanta pana la locul defectului.
Cuvinte cheie: localizarea defectului, estimarea fazorului, retele de transport al energiei electrice
Abstract: This paper presents two fault location algorithms for calculation of fault location on high voltage transmission lines. The presented fault location algorithms are those of Chen and Istrate and they use the samples of the transient voltages and currents from both line ends. In order to obtain the voltage and current samples, the authors have modeled in Matlab a simple 400 kV power grid composed by two sources and a 210 km high voltage line. The line model contains ten blocks, each one modeling a line segment of 21 km. Also, in Matlab there was imagined a fault locator block that utilizes the presented algorithms in order to obtain the fault location along the considered line. The presented fault location algorithms use the fundamental voltage and current phasors which are obtained with the phasor estimation algorithm presented in [5]. The fault locator and the phasor estimation blocks form a flexible tool that is used to make an analysis taking as parameter the distance measured between the line’s sending end and the location of the fault.
Keywords: fault location, phasor estimation, high voltage grids