Autor/autori: Assoc. Prof. Eng. Mihai RATA PhD, Eng. Adrian JURAVLE student, Assoc. Prof. Eng. Gabriela RATA PhD, Assoc. Prof. Eng. Leon MANDICI PhD, As. Prof. Eng. Vasilis CHATZIATHANASIOU PhD (Grecia), Lecturer Eng. Ciprian AFANASOV PhD
Rezumat: Motoarele asincrone cu rotor in scurtcircuit sunt cele mai utilizate in industrie, diatorita principalelor proprietati ale lor: costuri reduse si constructie robusta. Cea mai utilizata solutie pentru reglarea vitezei motoarelor asincrone in aplicatii industriale (cum ar fi ventilatoare, pompe si compresoare) o reprezinta convertorul de frecventa. Acest articol prezinta o solutie ieftina de convertor de frecventa ce utilizeaza un controler inteligent pentru reglarea vitezei motoarelor (MC3PHAC) si un modul inteligent de putere destinat aplicatiilor specifice (PS12017).
Cuvinte cheie: convertoare de frecventa, electronica de putere, motoare asincrone
Abstract: The Induction motors with squirrel-cage rotors are the most used in industry because of their main proprieties: low cost and rugged construction. The most used solution to speed adjusts of induction motors in industry applications (, pumps and compressors) is variable-frequency drive. This paper presents a solution of low-cost variable-frecquency drive using an intelligent motor controller (MC3PHAC) and an application specific intelligent power module (PS12017)
Keywords: variable-frequency drive, power electronics, induction motors