Autor/autori: Assist. Prof. Eng. Gabriela-Nicoleta SAVA, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Sorina COSTINAS,Prof. Dr. Eng. Nicolae GOLOVANOV
Rezumat: In cadrul acestei lucrari sunt analizate solutiile tehnice posibile pentru retelele interne de MT ale parcurilor eoliene offshore. Conditiile din largul marilor prezinta unele provocari in ceea ce priveste functionarea si mentenanta. Este prezentata o analiza comparativa pentru diferite configuratii ale retelei interne ale unui parc eolian offshore de 90 MW luand in considerare costurile pe care le implica si fiabilitatea acestora. Pentru fiecare tip de configuratie s-au calculat sectiunile necesare ale cablurilor si s-au analizat pierderile de putere pentru fiecare configuratie utilizand programul ETAP.
Cuvinte cheie: parcuri eoliene offshore, topologii de retele electrice, pierderi de putere, fiabilitate
Abstract: In this paper, the possible technical solutions for MV collection network of offshore wind power plants are analyzed. Marine environment present challenges for operation and maintenance. A comparative analysis of collection network layouts for a case study 90 MW offshore wind power plant is presented, and the costs they imply and their reliability are discussed. For the various analyzed layouts, the necessary cable sections were calculated, and were implemented in ETAP in order to calculate the power losses
Keywords: offshore wind power plants, collector network layouts, power losses, reliability