Autor/autori: Lecturer Eng. Ciprian AFANASOV PhD, Assoc. Prof. Eng. Mihai RATA PhD, Assoc. Prof. Eng. Leon MANDICI PhD

Rezumat: Lucrarea de fata consta in studiul unui sistem de actionare electrica pentru controlul vitezei motorului de curent continuu cu excitatie separata utilizand un chopper cu comanda sincrona cu structura de tip punte H care asigura functionarea in patru cadrane a sistemului. Structura in punte H, cu dispozitive semiconductoare controlabile nu este utilizata in electronica de putere numai pentru realizarea convertoarelor c.c. – c.c. cu functionare in patru cadrane, aceasta topologie fiind folosita de asemenea, pentru obtinerea invertoarelor, a redresoarelor PWM si a filtrelor active monofazate. Pentru a putea fi studiata functionarea motorului de curent continuu in cele patru cadrane a fost construit intregul sistem de actionare, acesta cuprinzand atat partea logica de comanda a tranzistoarelor de putere cat si partea de forta, convertorul realizat fiind bidirectional si reversibil Folosirea lui intr-o aplicatie este ceruta de o sarcina care trebuie sa functioneze, la randul ei, tot in patru cadrane. Pentru cazul concret al unei actionari electrice cu motor de c.c. aplicatia impune rotirea acestuia in ambele sensuri cu posibilitatea franarii din orice directie si recuperarea energiei de miscare.

Cuvinte cheie: motor de curent continuu, chopper de patru cadrane, comanda sincrona, convertor in punte H.

Abstract: This paper presents the study of a electric drive system for DC motor speed control, with separate excitation using a full bridge chopper type structure and bipolar control strategy which function in four quadrants of the system. H bridge structure with controllable semiconductor devices is not used only to achieve DC - Dc power electronics converters that function in four quadrants, this topology is also used to produce the inverter, the PWM rectifier and the single phase active filter. In order to be studied DC motor operation in the four quadrants was built entire drive system, it containing the logical control of power transistors as well as the force. Achieved converter is bidirectional and reversible. The use of converter in an application is requested by a task that must be operate, in its turn, also in four quadrants. For the specific case of a DC motor drives, application requires two-way of rotating in any direction and possibility to recover braking energy of motion.

Keywords: DC motor, four-quadrant chopper, synchronous control, H-bridge converter