Autor/autori: Eng. Stativa Andrei PhD Student, Prof. Eng. Mihai GAVRILAS PhD,
Rezumat: In aceasta lucrare este propusa o metoda inovatoare de abordare a problemelor de stabilitate prin utilizarea simultana a doua aplicatii, si anume, Matlab (MathWorks) si DIgSILENT (PowerFactory). Astfel, intre cele doua aplicatii se creaza o interfata de comunicare care foloseste ca strat intermediar de comunicare, fisiere cu extensia .csv. In problema proiectarii optimale a stabilizatorului de putere folosind abordari metaeuristice, aceasta aplicatie se poate folosi cu succes usurand semnificativ intreg procesul de determinare a parametrilor PSS. Prin urmare, algoritmul de optimizare este implementat in Matlab, iar sistemul electroenergetic si controlerele sunt modelate in DIgSILENT. Descrierea intregului proces de comunicare este prezentat in cadrul unei aplicatii practice care consta in optimizarea parametrilor PSS in ipoteza folosirii semnalelor de la distanta. Aceasta abordare nu se restrange doar la problema proiectarii PSS, ci poate fi folosita in orice problema care necesita utilizarea simultana a celor doua aplicatii.
Cuvinte cheie: DiGSILENT, Matlab, PSS, stabilitatea sistemului electroenergetic
Abstract: In this paper, a novel method is proposed in approaching power system stability problems by using simultaneously two applications, in terms of Matlab (MathWorks) and DIgSILENT (PowerFactory). Thus, between these applications a communication interface is created that uses as a link layer .cvs files. In the complicated problem of designing power system stabilizer using metaheuristics, this application can be used successfully simplifying considerably the whole searching process. Accordingly, the optimization algorithm is implemented in Matlab and the power system and the controllers are modeled in DIgSILENT. The whole process will be presented throughout an application that involves the optimal tunning of PSS considering using remote signals from key points of the network as inputs. This model doesn’t apply only to the problem of determining the PSS parameters, but it can be used in any problem that envolves both platforms working together.
Keywords: DiGSILENT, Matlab, PSS, power system stability