Autor/autori: Ing. Florina PRICOP, Ing. Alina POPESCU, Dr. ing. Ioana Corina MOGA, Ing. Razvan SCARLAT , Ing. Raluca AILENII, Ing. Marius IORDANESCU

Rezumat: In actualul context al cunoasterii stiintifice, proiectele de cercetare realizate in cadrul Institutului National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Textile si Pielarie – I.N.C.D.T.P. Bucuresti, abordeaza la un nivel stiintific superior, problematica protectiei mediului si reducerea impactului negativ al industriei de textile asupra mediului, incadrandu-se preponderent in domeniile prioritare ale Strategiei Nationale 2007-2013; 2014-2020 “Mediu si Biotehnologii”. Proiectele abordate sunt axate pe consolidarea parteneriatului dintre diferitele institute de cercetare-dezvoltare-inovare, institutii de invatamant si IMM-uri din sfera industriei textile, avand ca obiective derivate crearea si aplicarea proceselor si tehnologiilor ecologice de finisare textila, a tehnologiilor avansate de epurare a apelor reziduale, a biotehnologiilor de prelucrare a materialelor textile, cu impact asupra protectiei mediului, calitatii si sanatatii umane. Activitatile de cercetare aplicativa realizate in domeniul biotehnologiilor textile, proceselor ecologice de finisare textila, finisarii superioare a materialelor textile destinate unor domenii speciale (echipamente de protectie antibacteriana, articole sport-timp liber), finisarea unor materiale textile din noua generatie (Lenpur, Lyocell, Amicor Kermel, Viscoza FR, Nomex, Kevlar, Amicor, PLA) corespund cerintelor actuale si de perspectiva ale industriei textile. O serie de lucrari de cercetare, care se incadreaza in conceptul de protectie a mediului, constau in: elaborarea unor tehnologii ecologice de utilizare eficienta a materiilor prime naturale, optimizarea procesului de utilizare a substantelor chimice cu proprietati ecologice, utilizarea produselor enzimatice in procese tehnologice de finisare performante, recuperarea, reciclarea deseurilor si inlocuirea substantelor nocive. Diseminarea rezultatelor cercetarilor din domeniul ecologiei textile urmareste si formarea generatiilor viitoare pentru o educatie ecologica, ce va deveni de prima importanta in viitor deoarece problemele de mediu vor coplesi lumea, iar sfera politica va fi tot mai presata sa adopte politici publice care sa restabileasca echilibrul dintre om si mediu, sa impiedice deteriorarea atmosferica si a pamantului sau sa gaseasca solutii pentru a ne adapta noului climat astfel incat viata pe Terra sa fie posibila in continuare.

Cuvinte cheie: ecologie, biotehnologii, educatie, textile

Abstract: In the current context of scientific knowledge, the research projects conducted by the National Research and Development Institute for Textiles and Leather - INCDTP Bucharest, approach, from a higher scientific level, the theme of environmental protection and reducing the negative impact of the textile industry on the environment, mainly fitting in the priority areas of the National Strategy 2007-2013, 2014-2020 "Environment and Biotechnology". The projects tackled are focused on strengthening the partnership between the various Research, Development, Innovation Institutes, educational institutions and SMEs in the field of textile industry, with the derivative objective of creation and application of processes and technologies for textile finishing, advanced wastewater treatment technologies, of biotechnologies for textile processing with impact on environment, human health and life quality. The applied research activities carried out in the areas of textile biotechnology, organic textile finishing processes, superior finishing of textiles intended for special areas (antibacterial protection equipment, sporting, leisure), finishing of new generation fabrics (Lenpur, Lyocell, Amicor Kermel, Viscose FR, Nomex, Kevlar, Amicor, PLA) meet the current and future demands of the textile industry. The main concept of environmental protection that fits a series of research papers consists in: the development of green technologies for efficient use of natural raw materials, optimizing the use of ecofriendly chemicals, using high performing enzymatic finishing processes, waste recovery and recycling and replacing harmful substances. Dissemination of research results in the field of textile ecology aims at training future generations for environmental education, which will be of prime importance in the future as environmental problems will overwhelm the world and politics will be increasingly pressured to adopt public policies that restore the balance between humans and the environment to prevent deterioration of atmosphere and earth, or find solutions to adapt to the new environment so that life on Earth is still possible

Keywords: ecology, biotechnologies, education, textiles