Autor/autori: Dr. ing. Valeriu PLESEA, CS 1
Rezumat: Procesul de curbare prin deformare plastica la rece a profilelor laminate SG (actual SG 23) utilizate pentru executia elementelor sustinerii metalice a excavatiilor subterane, respectiv a galeriilor de mina, favorizeaza aparitia si exercitarea la baza profilelor a unei stari complexe de tensiune remanenta, care genereaza amplificarea amorselor la montarea si functionarea sustinerii metalice in subteran, cu tot cortegiul de urmari defavorabile privind compromiterea culisarii si functionarii sustinerii in regim optim de lucru, pentru sarcini mult mai reduse decat capacitatea portanta proiectata a sustinerii. Lucrarea prezinta rezultatele obtinute in urma calculului grafo-analitic si numeric de evaluare a starii de tensiune care se inregistreaza in procesul de curbare la rece a profilelor.
Cuvinte cheie: profile laminate, sustineri metalice, curbare la rece, masina cu role, excavatii subterane, capacitate portanta, calcul grafo-analitic, model de discretizare, tensiuni si deformatii, metoda elementului finit
Abstract: The process of bending by plastic deformation of the rolled profiles SG (currently, SG 23) used to manufacture metallic support elements of underground excavations, mine galleries respectively, favor the appearance and performance of a complex state of retained voltage at the base of the profiles, which generates an amplification of the primers during the installation and operation of underground metal support, translated into adverse consequences regarding the metallic support optimal operation under working loads much lower than the projected support capacity. This paper presents the results of numerical and graphicanalytical calculation used to assess of the tension that is recorded in the cold bending of profiles.
Keywords: rolled profiles, metal supports, cold bending, roller machine, underground excavation, bearing capacity, graphic-analytical calculation, mesh model, stress and strain, the finite element method.