Autor/autori: Drd. ing. Diana CAZANGIU, Drd. ing. Gabriel DIMA, Dr. Yves LEMMENS (Belgia), Prof. dr. ing. Ileana ROSCA
Rezumat: Cercetarile prezentate in aceasta lucrare au facut parte din cadrul unui proiect dezvoltat in colaborare cu compania LMS International din Leuven, Belgia si Universitatea Catolica din Brugge Oostende care a avut amabilitatea de a pune la dispozitie suportul tehnic necesar. Scopul acestor cercetari a fost de a aplica modelul bazat pe ingineria sistemelor in dezvoltarea si investigarea retelei electrice a unui avion pilotat de la sol. S-au dezvoltat si investigat doua retele electrice diferite ale unui avion pilotat de la sol si anume: arhitectura de referinta bazata pe managementul energetic (modelul electric) si arhitectura de referinta bazata pe managementul energetic si termic (modelul termic). De asemenea, s-au creat diferite configuratii pentru cele doua arhitecturi de referinta in scopul determinarii configuratiei optime care sa ofere cele mai bune rezultate (in ceea ce priveste durabilitatea bateriilor principale si a controllerului de viteza) intr-un zbor real
Cuvinte cheie: drona, arhitectura de referinta, model termic, arhitectura configurata, supercomponent
Abstract: These researches are a part of a project developed in collaboration with LMS International Company from Leuven, Belgium and the main purpose was to apply the MBSE (model based system engineering) in development and the investigation of the UAV electrical network. It was developed and investigated two different networks for UAV: the electrical model and the thermal one. For realize this objective it was used LMS.Imagine.Lab platform. It created different configurations for the two reference architectures to determine the optimum configuration which can offer the best results regarding the durability of the main batteries and the electronic speed controller, in a real case
Keywords: UAV, reference architecture, thermal model, configured architecture, electrical model