Autor/autori: Asist. univ. dr. ing. Gheorghe-Cosmin SPIRCHEZ, Conf. univ. dr. ing. Liviu GACEU
Rezumat: Lucrarea de fata isi propune sa analizeze eficienta energetica a constructiilor ecologice, luand ca studiu de caz 5 variante de structuri de izolatie. Este important ca la izolarea constructiilor sa tinem seama de coeficientul de transfer termic (U). O valoare U scazuta indica un nivel ridicat de izolatie
Cuvinte cheie: izolatie, coeficient de conductivitate termica, coeficient de transfer termic, constructie ecologica
Abstract: This paperwork presents to analyze the energy efficiency of green building, taking as a case study 5 different insulation structure. It is important to insulate buildings to consider the heat transfer coefficient (U). A low U-value indicates a high level of insulation
Keywords: insulation, thermal conductivity of coefficient, heat transfer of coefficient, green building