Autor/autori: Prof. dr. ing. Liviu ANDRONOVICI
Rezumat: In lucrare este prezentata posibilitatea tratarii materialelor metalice lichide si a cristalizarii acestora in camp energetic piramidal. Pentru a putea demonstra existenta efectului de piramida, s-a incercat evidentierea acestuia prin doua metode: 1) prin masurare cu aparate, pentru a observa existenta undelor existente in piramida; 2) prin modificarea structurii cristaline a materialelor metalice, prin turnarea in piramida a unor probe. Testele au fost facute pe 4 materiale metalice diferite, in piramida si in exteriorul ei, pentru a avea o proba martor. Prin modificarea structurii cristaline si a proprietatilor probelor turnate si prezenta undelor se poate demonstra existenta acestui efect
Cuvinte cheie: energie, piramida, teste, probe, turnare
Abstract: This study presents the posibility of new technique applied to fluid metals and their crystalline structure under the effect of the energetic field of the pyramid. There are two significant methods used to demonstrate the existence of the pyramid’s energetic field: 1-measurement techniques using diferent devices that demonstrate the existing waves inside the pyramid; 2-modification of crystalline structure by casting several samples inside the pyramid. The experiments were made on 4 metals, inside and outside the pyramid to obtain models for further comparison. This effect can be proven by analyzing the modifications of the crystalline structure and the properties of the casted samples
Keywords: energy, pyramid, tests, samples, melting