Autor/autori: Ioan ȘTEFĂNESCU, Mihai VARLAM, Elena CARCADEA
Abstract: Critical issues related to the availability of energy sources and their efficient use has quickly become vitally important. Population growth combined with growing demand for energy and materials in order to increase the standard of living is actually the main cause of this concern. All this requires not only an increase in available energy sources, but also a more efficient way to use this availability. As a result, energy storage has become vital both for the efficient use of renewable energy sources and for the transmission and distribution of safe and efficient electricity. In this context, a new vision about future technological research in energy storage sector in terms of a new research facilities being developed by ICIT Rm. Vâlcea is addressed in this paper. Energy storage research laboratories will be developed in order to lead to new approaches to energy storage technologies, the new research facility aiming to "activate" in the scientific limitations area of chemical, electrochemical and thermal storage technologies, applicable in electrical networks, residential, transport and commercial. The paper presents some aspects of the declared mission of the new laboratory, the one to become a catalyst and an integrator of the results of this area with a strategic importance for the energy sector. ICIT Ramnicu Vâlcea aims to become a reference point and a developer in the field of energy storage technologies, being thought to become an open experimental platform for national and international partners
Keywords: energy, storage, research laboratories