Autor/autori: Claudia GÎRJOB, Octavian BOLOGA, Gabriel RACZ, Cristina BIRIS
Abstract: The Metal Forming Research Centre functions as separate research unit within "Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu, Romania. This is one of the first centres of its kind in Romanian higher education system and emerged under the aegis of the European inter-university TEMPUS (JEP 2766-91), by Ministry of Education and Science no. 8541/1991. One of the central concerns in this moment is related to the requirements of the automotive and aeronautics industry regarding the introduction of new light alloys processed by pressing to lightweight construction thus achieving weight reduction, low fuel consumption and low gas emissions. From this point of view, light metal materials such as aluminum or magnesium alloys and composites gains, in recent years, more and more attention, successfully replacing traditional materials. Starting from these premises this work aims to present a study regarding the plastic deformation behavior of materials lighter than traditional materials. For this purpose the following materials were chosen: from lightweight class of metallic materials with low plasticity processing at ambient temperature was studied alloy AZ31B magnesium alloy, magnesium alloy system representative - zinc – aluminum, from composite material group were studied metallic materials with the following configuration: aluminum-plastic-aluminum, tin-coated plastic film and steel-plastic-steel and from traditional materials was chosen DC03 steel. The main objectives of the research program is the determination of mechanical properties and intrinsic properties by tensile test, the values expected results: the modulus of elasticity, yield strength, tensile strength, elongation at break, strain hardening coefficient, resistance coefficient, and the coefficients of the plastic anisotropy necessary subsequent numerical simulations by FEM plastic deformation processes
Keywords: AZ31B, FEM, lightweight material