Autor/autori: Constantin MARIN
Abstract: This paper belongs to the category of research for the development and implementation of heterogeneous structures they apply favorable inclusion of the human factor for control and coordination of complex activities from various fields: economic, intellectual, biological, military, etc. It can be considered as a new direction for the development and application of modern concept CPS (Cyber Physical Systems) where activities of the above areas are treated as physical processes specific to CPS. The proposed structure highlights the interaction between the human control factor and physical processes represented by the control numerical equipments and controlled processes. In this closed loop control structure, the information is represented in three forms namely: 1. Numbers in digital equipments; 2. Physical signals in controlled processes (economic or intellectual); 3. Documents in which the human factor is part of the control structure. The bodies composed of human factors (board, council, office, manager, etc.) interact with each other and with other components of the heterogeneous system by exchange of information that have the document as physical support. For the documents creation, transmission and operation, as a carrier of information, specific tools are used: workflow, .NET development platform. virtualization procedures sharepoint environment. A particular problem for the control systems of the economic activities is the breaks existence defined as time periods of inactivity when all or some state components are kept constant so that classical models are not generally available. They appear as a specific category of systems called State Blocking Systems (SBS). Examples of controlling an economic process, based on the law of supply and demand modeling the price evolution and an intellectual process for coordination of monetary policy are presented. The results obtained by numerical simulation point out the advantages of this approach
Keywords: Control structures; Mathematical models; Control algorithms; Finite time response; Blocking systems