Autor/autori: Cătălin Silviu NUŢU
Rezumat: Lucrarea prezinta mentalitatea educatiei de success pentru a intelege si genera stiinta in cazul educatiei de success, consideratii despre rolul si profilul educatorului, insa se ocupa de asemenea cu legatura dintre educatie si marketing, toate acestea fiind vazute prin ochii autorului lucrarii.
Cuvinte cheie: educatie de succes, rolul si profilul educatorului de succes, marketing si marketing social.
Abstract: The paper is presenting the situation of successful education mentality one uses in order to understand and to generate science when using such successful education, considerations about the role and profile of the educator but is also dealing with the link between the education and marketing, all these such as seen by the author of the paper.
Keywords: successful education, role and profile of the succesful educator, marketing and social marketing.