Autor/autori: Lecturer Eng. Elena CODĂU (ONOFREI), Ph.D., PhD student Eng. Teodor-Cezar CODĂU

Rezumat: In aceasta lucrare s-a studiat efectul umidităţii asupra transferului de caldura prin materialul textil, in cazul expunerii acestuia unui flux radiativ. S-a investigat transferul de caldura printr-un singur strat de material, cu continut de umiditate diferit. S-a constatat ca in timpul evaporarii umiditatii din materialul textil, temperatura inregistreaza un platou, aceasta ramanand constanta. Consumul de energie pentru schimbarea de faza a umiditatii din materialul textil este procesul care predomina, atata timp cat exista umiditate. Odata ce evaporarea s-a terminat, temperatura creste si se apropie de temperatura masurata in cazul materialului uscat. Umiditatea din stratul de material textil nu a condus la cresterea temperaturii, comparativ cu mostra uscata. Acest studiu confirma faptul ca umiditatea poate influenta pozitiv protectia termica a utilizatorului in cazul expunerii unui flux radiativ relativ scazut.

Cuvinte cheie: transfer de căldură, evaporare, confort termic.

Abstract: In this study we analyzed the effect of moisture on the heat transfer through the textile material in case of exposure to radiant heat flux. We investigated the heat transfer through a single-layer fabric at different moisture content. It was found that during the evaporation of the moisture, a temperature plateau appeared during which temperatures were hardly rising. The energy consumption used for the phase change of moisture located in the textile dominated the heat transfer process as long as there was moisture present. As soon as all water has evaporated, the temperatures approached the temperatures measured for dry samples. The moisture within the mono-layer textile did not lead to increased temperatures compared to the measurements with dry samples. This research has confirmed that moisture can positively affect the thermal protection of the wearer in case of low radiant heat flux.

Keywords: Heat transfer, moisture evaporation, thermal comfort.