Autor/autori: Șef lucr. dr. ing. Laura Mihaela LELUȚIU
Rezumat: perceperea muzeului ca pe o resursă educațională, capabilă să dezvolte în special tinerei generații: competențe, capacități, deprinderi, cunoștințe, simțul tehnic, limbajul de specialitate. Muzeul tehnic atrage atenția și respectul față de valorile patrimoniului tehnic.
Cuvinte cheie: Muzee, educație, aviație, patrimoniul tehnic
Abstract: In my paper I will present technical memorial museums related to the world of aviation, which is only a small part of the list of Romanian technical heritage museums, these representing a source and a gateway to education. Like any other museum, technical museum space is a source of: knowledge, understanding and memorizing. The concept of museum pedagogy is very applicable for technical museums in Romania, as well. For technical museums, the museum educational programs objective is the perception of the museum as an educational resource, able to develop especially the younger generation: skills, abilities, knowledge and a sense of technical language. Technical Museum attracts attention and respect of technical heritage values.
Keywords: Museum, education, aviation, technical heritage