STUDIU TEHNICO-ECONOMIC PENTRU MACARAUA TURNmodel of this assembly has been optimized based on technical calculation specifications. Inventor 2020 design software was used for 3D assembly modeling
Autor/autori: Daniel Robert Nicolae PITULICE1, Conf. dr. ing. Gina Diana MUSCĂ1,model of this assembly has been optimized based on technical calculation specifications. Inventor 2020 design software was used for 3D assembly modeling. This software allows you to create products in much less time and with high productivity.
Rezumat: Acest articol prezintă o soluție constructivă a ansamblului -o macara turn cu braț basculant.Modelul 3D al acestui ansamblu a fost optimizat pe baza specificațiilor tehnice de calcul. Software-ul de proiectare Inventor 2020 a fost folosit pentru modelarea ansamblului 3D.Acest software vă permite să creați produse în mult mai puțin timpși cu o productivitate ridicată.
Cuvinte cheie: macara, model, ansamblu, sarcină, deplasare, software, modelare.
Abstract: This article presents a constructive solution of the assembly -a tower crane with a tilting arm. The 3D model of this assembly has been optimized based on technical calculation specifications. Inventor 2020 design software was used for 3D assembly modeling. This software allows you to create products in much less time and with high productivity.
Keywords: crane, model, assembly, load, displacement, software, modeling.