Studii de suprafata prin spectroscopia Mossbauer a 119Sn

Autor/autori: Dr. ing. Ion T. Bibicu

Rezumat: Spectroscopia Mössbauer este prezentata pe scurt in introducere si capacitatea ei de a efectua studii de suprafata prin izotopul Mössbauer 119Sn este evidentiata. Ca probe de studiu s-au folosit: folie de staniu metalic, straturi de staniu depuse electrochimic, filme de SnSe2 depuse pe suport de siliciu prin 2 metode PED (“Pulsed electron deposition”) si PLD (“Pulsed laser deposition”). In cazul foliei de staniu se pune in evidenta prezenta bioxidului de Sn. Pentru straturile de Sn depuse electrochimic se evidentiaza compozitia lor si influenta curentului de depunere. Pentru filmele de SnSe2 depuse prin 2 metode se gaseste compozitia de faza si se propune metoda prin care se obtine filmul mai bun calitativ.

Cuvinte cheie: spectroscopie Mössbauer, studii de suprafata, 119Sn, Sn, straturi de Sn, SnO2, SnSe2, SnSe.

Abstract: Mössbauer spectroscopy is shortly presented and its capacity to effect surface studies by 119Sn Mössbauer isotope is evidenced. As studied samples were used: ?-Sn foil, tin layers obtained by electrochemical method and SnSe2 films deposited on Si support by two methods: PED (“Pulsed electron deposition”) and PLD (“Pulsed laser deposition”). A thin film of SnO2 oxide with few nanometers thickness was found on ?-Sn foil. The composition of tin layers was evidenced and the influence of deposition current was revealed. The phase composition of the SnSe2 films was found and the better method to obtain the film is proposed.

Keywords: Mössbauer spectroscopy, surface studies, 119Sn, Sn, Sn layers, SnO2, SnSe2, SnSe