Influenta dozajului de ciment asupra performantelor betoanelor refractare

Autor/autori: Nicolae Angelescu, Cristina Ionita

Rezumat: Obiectivele prezentei lucrari reprezinta realizarea unor betoane cu dozaj redus de ciment si continut ridicat de alumina (pina la 90%). Proprietatile betoanelor refractare depind de dozajul de ciment, de aceea, o scadere a dozajului de ciment din betoane de la 20% in cazul betoanelor cu un continut normal de ciment la 10-15% in cazul betoanelor cu un continut redus de ciment sau la 3-5% in cazul betoanelor cu continut ultra redus de ciment, cu utilizarea de adaosuri, imbunatatesc caracteristicile mecano-structurale ale betoanelor.

Cuvinte cheie: dozaj de ciment, Beton refractar, Beton cu Continut Redus de Ciment, Beton cu Continut Ultra Redus de Ciment, refractaritate, adaosuri

Abstract: The objective of this paper is the development of concretes with low dosage of cement and high alumina content (up to 90 %). The properties of refractory concretes are related to the dosage of the cement from the concretes. Therefore, a reduction of the dosage cement from concretes from 20 % in the case of the common refractory concretes containing normal dosage of cement to the 10-15% for the case of the low cement concretes or to the 3-5% for the case of the ult

Keywords: cement dosage, refractory concrete, low cement concrete, ultra low cement concrete, refractoriness, admixtures.